Antwerp IFF 2021 Winners
15/11/2021Best Unproduced Scripts
Garden of Delight
Paul Grammatico
Jonathan Zarantonello
Filmmaker Awards
Best Picture of the Festival
Fires in the Dark
Best Director in an English Language Feature Film
The Poltergeist Diaries
József Gallai
Outstanding Actor in an English Language Feature Film
Outstanding Actress in an English Language Feature Film
Mount Umer
Iti Pawar
Best English Language Feature Film
Best Visual Effects
Good Boy
Best Animation or Animated Sequence
Tumbling Towards Home
Best Hair, Makeup & Costume
Best Music in Film
The End of the World
Best Sound Design
The Coalball is White
Best Editing of a Short Film
The Divided States: Strife
Best Cinematography in a Short Film
Tamar Rising
Outstanding Actress in a Short Film
All Alone
Rebecca Ding
Outstanding Actor in a Short Film
Project Bau
John Henry Richardson
Best Director of a Short Film
The Keeper
Bob Celli
Best Cinematography in a Documentary
What Remains of Me
Best Director of a Short Documentary
Kanda Bode (Don’t Get Whipped)
Fekad Kiros & Cheryl Halpern
Best Set Design
Honey & Lemon
Best Short Film
Garden District
Best Editing of a Documentary
Losing Sight
Best Feature Documentary
Pedra de Guaratiba – A Lost Paradise
Best Editing of a Foreign Language Film
Home Away
Best Cinematography in a Foreign Language Film
Best Short Documentary
Best Director of a Feature Documentary
Alaska Long Hunters
Mark Rose
Best Director of a Short Foreign Language Film
And After
Marine Follonier
Best Short Foreign Language Film
Honey & Lemon
Outstanding Actress in a Foreign Language Film
Aika Sonoda
Outstanding Actor in a Foreign Language Film
Birthday Adventure
Yanfeng Zong
Best Director of a Foreign Language Feature Film
Smoky & Bitter
Kyoji Kamui
Best Foreign Language Feature Film
The Insurer