Paris IFF 2022 Winners
21/05/2022Best Picture of the Festival
Golden Lotus
Best English Language Film
Casual Criminals
Best Director in an English Language Film
The Eve
Luca Machnich
Outstanding Actor in an English Language Film
The Weight of Time
Rodrigo Ternevoy & Cormac O’Brion
Outstanding Actress in an English Language Film
Golden Lotus
Harriet Chung
Best Editing of an English Language Film
When I, I Love You
Best Cinematography in an English Language Film
John Tregenoweth – His Mark
Best Hair, Makeup & Costume
Best Music
Mount Umer
Best Sound Design
Living Through It
Best Set Design
A Precious Heart
Best Visual Effects
Best Editing of a Documentary
Pearl on the Good Earth
Best Cinematography in a Documentary
Funeral Queen
Best Documentary
Can’t Stop the Sun from Shining
Best Director of a Documentary
Living Through It
Daniel E. Kennedy
Best Foreign Language Film
Bizzarro e Fantastico
Best Director of a Foreign Language Film
Left of Chopin
Yoshino Takemoto
Outstanding Actor in a Foreign Language Film
Moonlight Diner
Mitsunari Sakamoto
Outstanding Actress in a Foreign Language Film
Yuka Takeshima
Best Cinematography in a Foreign Language Film
Traveling Alone
Best Editing of a Foreign Language Film
Wake Up With You