Scientific & Educational Award | Amsterdam IFF 2018

05/01/2018 By Film Fest Webteam

Against Impunity
Pedro Lanza

An Open Door: Holocaust Haven in the Philippines
Noel Izon & Sharon Delmendo & Stacey Brumbaugh & Gloria Ochoa

Bill Evans Time Remembered
Bruce Spiegel

King In The Mountain
Dave Edwards

Eduardo García & Brais Revaldería

Sauti (Voice)
Gayle Nosal & Beret E. Strong

Shakespeare’s Heroes And Villains
Peter Keegan

The Children of the Noon
Vittoria Quondamatteo & Barbara Baldieri March

The Muse is the Mountain
Teresa Mular

The Ritman Library – Amsterdam Artoldo Pictures
Aerts Erik Journée

The World Awaits
Don Haderlein