Best Lead Actor in a Foreign Language Film | Nice IFF 2018

09/03/2018 By Film Fest Webteam

​Bhoy Intsik
Raymond Francisco

Cine Cafe in Paris
Chang-Gyun Kim

Dai 2 Keibitai – The Second Security Unit
Toshio Kakei

Day Six
David Medel

Ming Shuai Shih

Carlos Corea

He Said Mommy
Mamuka Loriya

Lemon & Letter
Makoto Shinada

Love Lives
Kinshuk Sen

Miracle of Christmas
Yuya Sada

Never Old
Gang Zhao

Private Cemetery
Emre Altug

SIRI – The Living Scarecrow
Abhay Attri

The Ghost of Tacande
Joel Angelino

To Let
Santosh Sreeram

You Will Know Neither The Day Nor The Hour
Bruno Todeschini