Best Original Screenplay of a Feature Film | Madrid IFF 2018

23/05/2018 By Film Fest Webteam

Captain Black
Jeffrey Johnson

Crimson Sands
Gloria Yazdani & Javid Radfar

Cultural Clash
Johnny Blayz & Blessy Jackson

In a Sentimental Mood
Michael Gold

Shomshuklla Das

One Bedroom
Darien Sills-Evans

Ray Brady & Jamie Drew & Brian Evenson & Stuart Wright

Kyle Bogart

The Boy with the Topknot
Mick Ford & Sathnam Sanghera

The Dead Bodies in #223
Jason Hoover

The Island of Doctor Moron
Chris Dockrill

The Transcendents
Derek Ahonen

Train Set
Rob Burrows & Debbie May & James McCreadie

Ultra Low
Nicholas Gyeney