Best Costume | Madrid IFF 2018

23/05/2018 By Film Fest Webteam

Anatolia’s Dream
Shahreiar Kalhor

Cold Storage
Venla Takkinen

En Algun Lugar
Fredy Rocha

Myrtle Lee

Forgotten Man
Lucy Maguire

Mina Kaye

Sabrina Bacon

Katherine Of Sinai
Annie Curtis-Jones & Margaret McMasters & Stanley McMasters

Once I Will be Child
Agata Cannizzaro

The 5 Year
Stephanie Dunbar

The Month of Dreams
Ibolya Morvai

The Peculiar Abilities of Mr. Mahler
Kaya Kurten

Una Navidad En Verano
Leslie Hinojosa Cortijo

We’ll Get Back to You
Zeynep Alioglu